Comments on: Thru-Hiking the JMT: Over Pinchot Pass to Woods Creek Trail Guides, Gear Reviews, & Community Wed, 17 Jan 2018 23:29:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Testo Boost Rx Review Fri, 27 Oct 2017 09:47:13 +0000 Wow! This can be one particular of the most helpful blogs We have ever arrive across on this subject.
Actually Excellent. I’m also a specialist in this topic so I can understand your hard work.

By: Jeff Hester Thu, 25 Sep 2014 18:37:17 +0000 In reply to Lucinda Whitehead.

Lucinda, most of my photos from the JMT trip were taken with my Canon SD780. It’s a small point-and-shoot but did a pretty great job. If I were to hike the JMT today, I’d probably do the same thing your husband is doing and use my iPhone. That’s what I use for most of the photos on the more recent trail guides I write here at SoCalHiker.

Hope he has (had?) an awesome trip. I’d love to see his photos!

By: Lucinda Whitehead Sat, 20 Sep 2014 21:57:53 +0000 My husband is currently hiking the JMT so I am following your posts from back here in England to have an idea of what it’s like, I think your photos are wonderful and wonder what camera you used? He just has his iphone with him as going very ultra light and traveling alone. Altho he said in an email that he has not camped alone any night!
